Cinderella Needed a Coach

Master Coach University
4 min readOct 1, 2021

Why is mindset so important in coaching?

It’s important in THREE specific ways:

FIRST, Mindset is important to your coaching client’s success:

You can tell clients what to do as a consultant…

…or help ‘patients’ uncover their past hurts and gain clarity as a psychologist…

…or you can shift your client’s mindset.

When you change your client’s mindset deeply enough…

…you change their life.

I call this changing your client’s reality.

Trophy celebration

As Henry Ford said…

“Whether you think you can…

…or you think you can’t…

…you’re right.”

Your client’s thoughts determine their emotions…

…and your client’s emotions determine the quality (and quantity) of their actions…

…and their actions determine their results.

Remember results?

Those things that your clients pay you for?

The point is…

…that mindset is everything for your client.

It’s the source of their life results…

…and the way they experience those results as well.

Want proof?

Mindset is rampant in every story where there is a struggling ‘client’ who becomes a hero…

…and it’s embedded into every fairytale.

Like Cinderella.


The rags to riches story about a young woman…

…who told her fairy godmother she wanted to go to the ball…

…met the prince…

…got married…

…and lived happily ever after.

But, let’s imagine a slight twist to the story.

In this version…

Imagine that Cinderella didn’t believe she was worthy…

…or she didn’t believe she was beautiful…

…or she didn’t feel ‘ready’ to accept the prince’s invitation to dance…

…or she was so afraid that she hid from the prince when he searched for her far and wide.

All that her fairy godmother (coach?) did that evening…

…would have been in vain.

Mindset is everything for your client.

SECOND, Mindset is important to your coaching business success:

What if Cinderella’s dream was to become a successful coach?

What if she found a part-time job…

…moved out of her stepmother’s home…

…and started a coaching business?

What mindset would she need to be successful?

  • What would she have to believe?
  • What beliefs would she have to give up?

Without the belief that she at least had a chance…

…she would never succeed.

I’ve talked about processing emotions in your coaching business

…some of the worst coaching business mindset mistakes

…and how to strengthen your coaching business mindset muscles.

But it really all comes down to BELIEF…

As you start your coaching business…

…you need belief.

You at least need to believe that no matter what happens…

…you will be ok…

…that you will be safe.

Without that basic belief…

…you won’t take the first step…

…or the second step.

THIRD, it’s important to your own coaching effectiveness:

I’ve written about the mindset challenges I’ve faced in coaching

…and how mindset limitations can hold back the entire coaching process.

Bottom line…

Without a powerful mindset…

…your coaching will only take your client so far.

That powerful mindset isn’t just important when you deal with a challenging situation or client…

…but any time your coaching must be 100% to offer the full value your client needs and expects.

If you only tap into 20% of your mindset, then you’ll operate at no better than 20% in your coaching sessions.

Think of your mindset as the ‘valve’ or the ‘gateway’ for all your coaching wisdom.

If that conduit is barely open, then you won’t deliver much of that wisdom to your client.

If that conduit is wide open… then your client will get all the vast wisdom available through working with you.

So, how much of your potential wisdom and coaching power do you want to give your client?

Bottom line, your mindset will decide that for you.

The point is:

Mindset is everything…

  • for you
  • for your coaching business
  • For your coaching
  • For your client.

Mindset isn’t a destination: it’s a journey.

You start that journey with your own mindset…

You’ll take further steps with your coaching mindset…

You’ll continue to reach more clients with your coaching business mindset…

…and, as a result…

You’ll get to help your clients take each step forward in their own mindset.

Each step evokes more power…

…and makes a greater impact.

How open is your conduit for yourself?

…for your coaching?

…for your coaching business?

Colette “Conduit For Coaching” Coiner

Dr. Colette Coiner, PCC, PT, DPT, FAAOMPT

Associate Dean, Master Coach University



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